Nakagawa Yoji

2006年りそな銀行を退職して、経営コンサルタント 会社である、株式会社SYDを設立しました。 2016年にはホテルへの人材派遣を行う、株式会社ワ ークチェンジを設立、2018年にはホテル客室清掃を 中心としたビルメンテナンス会社である、株式会社 センチュリオンファシリティーズを設立しました。 今ではその他の関連会社を含めて外国人スタッフ を中心に約500人のスタッフがグループ会社で働いて いますが、その大半はネパール人のみなさんです。 当社では、スタッフを単なる労働者として扱うの ではなく、将来日本や母国を背負える優秀な経営管 理者になれるよう、日本語はもちろん、経済学、経 営学、マーケティング、財務管理を教えて人材育成し ています。 今回の学校は、社内ベンチャーの1社として、当社の 経営管理者になっているネパール人スタッフが立ち 上げた学校です。 将来成功したいという強い思いのある人は、是非 この学校で勉強して、日本に来ていただきたいと考 えております。夢に向かって一歩を踏み出せるか出 せないか、それが人生の大きな分かれ道となりま す。夢に向かって、まずは第一歩を踏み出してみて ください。

In 2006, I retired from Resona Bank and established SYD Co., Ltd., a management consulting company. In 2016, I founded Work Change Co., Ltd., a company that specializes in staffing for hotels. In 2018, I established Centurion Facilities Co., Ltd., a building maintenance company focused on hotel room cleaning. Today, including other related companies, we have around 500 staff members, primarily consisting of foreign workers, with the majority being from Nepal. At our company, we don't treat our staff merely as workers. Instead, we aim to nurture them to become excellent managers who will lead Japan and their home countries in the future. We teach not only Japanese but also economics, management, marketing, and financial management to develop their potential. This school is one of our internal ventures, founded by Nepalese staff members who have become our management leaders. We strongly believe that those with a strong desire to succeed should study at this school and come to Japan. Whether you take the first step toward your dreams is a major crossroads in life. Please, take that first step toward your dreams!

- Representative Director/ Founder
(The SYD Group)
Sakaguchi Manami

日頃から、海外から日本に来られて一生懸命働いて下さっているスタッフの皆さんには、 心から感謝しております。 当社にはネパール国籍の方々が多く在籍しており、 皆さん、日々、本当に真面目で誠実に取り組んでくださっていることを誇りに思っております。 皆さんの努力は、私たちの会社の発展に大きく貢献しております。 この度、ネパールと日本のビジネスの架け橋といたしまして、 ネパールに日本語学校を設立することとなり、とても嬉しく思っております。 これを機に、ネパールの文化や歴史の背景についてさらに理解を深めるとともに、日本で頑張りたいと夢を抱く学生の皆さんと直接お会いできることを楽しみにしております。 実際に訪問し、肌でネパールを感じられる日を心待ちにしております。 今後、日本に留学を希望される生徒の皆さんにとって、 親、家族のように心で向き合い何かの支えになってあげられるような存在で有りたいと願っております。 皆さん、ひとりひとりの夢が実現できるよう、全力でサポートしてゆきます!

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the staff who work diligently every day after coming to Japan from overseas. Our company has many staff members from Nepal, and I am very proud of how sincere and dedicated they are in their work. Their efforts have greatly contributed to the development of our company. I am very happy to announce that, as a bridge between Nepal and Japan's businesses, we will be establishing a Japanese language school in Nepal. I look forward to this opportunity to deepen my understanding of Nepal's culture and history, and to meet the students who dream of working hard in Japan. I am eagerly anticipating the day when I can visit and experience Nepal first time. In the future, I hope to be a presence that can support students wishing to study in Japan, just like family, and offer heartfelt guidance. I will do my utmost to help each and every one of you realize your dreams!

- Manager
(The SYD Group)
Dilip Shrestha

Dear Future Students, Having lived in Japan for almost 18 years, I understand the challenges of starting your journey here as a foreigner, especially within the Nepali community. From adapting to the culture to balancing work and studies, I've experienced these hurdles firsthand. My goal is to guide you through these challenges, helping you succeed on your student visa journey.

Japan is rapidly becoming a top destination for international students seeking quality education, cultural immersion, and technological advancement. With world-class universities and abundant research opportunities, especially in fields like engineering, medicine, and robotics, Japan offers a chance to grow and excel. Beyond academics, Japan’s rich culture, efficient transportation, and stable economy provide endless opportunities for personal and professional development.

At our institution, we are dedicated to creating a supportive environment for your growth. Together, we’ll work towards achieving your dreams while embracing Japan’s culture and values. Thank you for choosing us to be part of your exciting journey!

- Section Manager (Work-Change Co LTD)
- Director(
Subol Karki

Japan is becoming an increasingly popular destination for international students due to its academic excellence, rich culture, and technological advancements. Renowned universities offer research opportunities, especially in fields like engineering, medicine, and robotics. Japan’s unique culture, from traditional tea ceremonies to modern experiences, provides students with the chance to immerse themselves in a fascinating environment while improving language skills. The country’s efficient public transportation system allows easy travel, and its stable economy offers ample career networking opportunities. Studying in Japan offers a perfect blend of academic growth, cultural enrichment, and future prospects.

We believe in fostering an environment of innovation, dedication, and mutual growth. Thank you for trusting us to be a part of your journey toward success.

- Principal
Kanchha Lama Tamang

Before coming to Japan, I studied Japanese at a language school in Nepal for about a year and a half. I arrived in Japan as an international student in July 2007 and graduated from the Japanese language school in 2009. After that, I completed my university studies in 2013 and obtained a degree in business administration from Nihon University Graduate School of Economics in 2015. In 2015, I joined Seibi Hotel Services as a full-time employee and have been living with my family, utilizing the knowledge and confidence I have gained through my experiences and interactions with people. Over the past nine years, I have worked for various companies and currently hold positions as the Executive Vice President of H&S Partners Co., Ltd., a section manager at Work Change Co., Ltd., and an advisor to the destination Japanese Language Institute and Consultancy. Moving forward, it is important to have proficient Japanese language skills in order to lead a safe and secure life. While it may be challenging, I believe that if you value your time, respect others, learn about the laws of the world, and cherish the people you meet, you will undoubtedly succeed. If your destination is Japan, take the time now to set your goals. Remember that even a brief moment of believing in the power of greatness can lead to success. So, give it your all and strive for excellence.

- Senior Advisor